Sunday, 27 May 2012

Sunday 27th may

Finally, a hot weekend - once the Har has gone Har had lifted. Site looks great!

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Hello folks

Three brief messages for you….

1. ADAA meeting, Thursday 17th, 7pm, in the shed at the allotments. Hope to see you there.
2. New plot members. As you know, Lyndsey, Ben and Fly (the dog) joined us on the site last month. We will also have another new member (tbc) joining us taken over the plot on the far south-east (nearest to the Mill House). So if you see someone new there say hello. And if you can help our new plot folk out with their inherited weed issues please offer that to them.
3. Keep the date – Saturday 16th June, 4pm-late at the allotments. Shed party/BBQ/community event. More details tba.

