Tuesday 12 May 2015

Allotments AGM 2015

Meeting:         Annual General Meeting Anstruther and District Allotments Association
Venue:                        Dreel Tavern
Date:               30/4/2015

Welcome, introductions and apologies
 Judith, Rene, Kev C, Kev L, Norman, Carl and Ali

Minutes from previous AGM meeting – approved

Chairs report
Circulated previously. Ali read from it

Rennie suggest that the Waid must be commended for their work - agreed
Carl notes that it is the year of food and drink for Scotland
Presentation of accounts by Norman
Quite a bit of money comes from Floral fund which is from Fife council and managed by Carl.
Ali has fundraised for edible routes which still has £160 surplus.
General fund is our main interest as it covers ground rent, maintenance
Start of year £508. End of year £612

Proposes fees stay the same for the year ahead.
However, the new lease it’s still to be finalised and these costs may need changing later. If lease is not renewed then funds would be returned

Judith asks if we can purchase 2 new barrows and 2 watering cans

Carl to send group invoice to Norman so that he can take on payment / collection

Ali thanks to Norman for doing accounts

Kev proposes fees reduce – not seconder
Normans proposal Agreed

Agreed. Carl to action
Election of officer bearers
There has been no new people come forward to date.
Norman propose a change the constitution so that if that nobody comes forward then the existing post holders can remain in office if the agm agrees.  
As this proposal was not given to the members ahead of the meeting it will be proposed now and if there are any concerns [within 2 weeks] then it can be reviewed.

on re-election of office bearers

Kev L puts himself forward for chairs role. Ali and Kev both stand for role of chair. Ali and Kev leave the room whilst group discuss role

  • Chair – Alistair Macleod
  • Secretary -  Vacant (carl acting
  • Treasurer - Norman
  • Vice Chair - Carl
  • Any other committee members
Group will continue to keep it open for other members to join
Proposes to change the constitution

Group elect ali as chair and thank Kev for
i)        Polytunnel use
Allocation of plots should take place in Jan. Spaces need signs to show which holders have space
ii)      Edible Routes – lost one at Bankie Park – to be replaced ASAP.
iii)    In Bloom – pittenweem road, ordered new lamppost displays and replant. 3BCDT didn’t get a grant. Mikes fruit trees have been replanted at Fowler street.
iv)    Allotments Diary 2015
Work days – mix up days so that there are some evenings in the summer. Put jobs list up on notice board and via email.
Harvest festival – invite pittenweem along (john moist)
Harbour festival – stall – need volunteers and donations of plant 30th May. Cakes and sellable items
Judging visit – July TBC
Crail Harvest festival
Skillshare – ask Tracey if she would be willing to think about what this could look like. Norman suggests that we could do a series of garden related skillshare activities at the dreelside halls. Ideas include
Composting / weed control- rennie happy to continue
Disease and pest control
Planning your plot / crop rotation
Grafting and fruit trees
Propagation and
Winter growing
Permaculture - tracey
Edible Routes

New polytunnel – 6meter polytunnel, 1.5 meter plots
Old polytunnel - .75cm to start going up to 1.5m
Laminate table
Repair needed on door / new door
Rennie to look at polytunnel tear and a annual assessment of their condition done
2nd polytunnel still needs - 

Buy polytunnel repair tape

Drill new holes for pins and fix location bars
Plots – Concern raised over 3 plots that are not being worked and are causing issues to neighbours.

Reminder email about options for sharing plots and possible assistance from Wade

Blight – Kev raises that blight is now a regular feature of growing tomatoes in the polytunnel and we should not expect any decent harvest under current conditions. Judith says that the polytunnel needs to be vented each day (depending on conditions) to avoid this. Kev suggests that option for spraying is used. This could be better managed by providing guidance for use and dealing with blight as a group or spraying with

Waiting list – Jeff Barker has asked if he is still on the waiting list

Blogger – can the blogspot be re-newed and review
Flyer – renew and update with edible routes -  two sided with A5
Website – update with new info

Kev to research management of polytunnel by spray

Need more advice on how to manage a polytunnel

Norman suggest that chemical treatment of whole allotments is discussed at the next AGM


Time and date of next meeting
2 months TBC

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