Tuesday, 2 March 2010

The begining....

Hello everyone,

Thanks very much for attending the Allotments Public meeting on the 1st March. You'll all be pleased to know that we now have a Committee and they are:-

Chairman - Carl van der Lee Proposed by Gerald Cooper Seconded by Kev Lancaster
Vice Chairman - Ali Macleod Proposed by Rhona McLaren Seconded by Kath Webster
Secretary - Rhona McLaren Proposed by Gerald Cooper Seconded by Kev Lancaster
Treasurer - Kev Lancaster Proposed by Carl van der Lee Seconded by Ali MacLeod

We now have a basis with which to go forward and we have our first 'authorised' meeting scheduled in 2 weeks time (in a pub)......date, venue and time TBC. Meanwhile we agreed last night that I would send everyone the Constitution for review by Friday. I will take everyone's comments on board and amend the document, push it out for further review and then 'go live' with it hopefully before our next meeting. We need to do this quickly so that Kev can set up a bank account for the group and we can then apply for a Corn seed fund of £150 to get us started.

I will be publishing the minutes of the meeting shortly, and I will confirm the date venue and time of the next meeting. A big welcome to the new members of the group and I will be in touch shortly.

Kind Regards
