Tuesday 5 October 2010

ADAA Tenancy Agreement

ADAA Tenancy Agreement
This document contains all the rules regarding the tenancy of allotment plots operated by the Anstruther and District Allotment Association. Please make sure that you are familiar with its contents for the benifit of you and your neighbors.

The Plough again

Here are a few more pictures of the plough going in for the record.

Monday 20 September 2010

Allotments layout August 2010

Allotment sites as allocated in August 2010 -

Saturday 18 September 2010

Insurance and Stuff

The ADAA have joined the British Trust for Conservation Volunteers as a group (http://www2.btcv.org.uk/display/btcv_scotland). This will give us support, access to funding, good value tools and an excellent insurance scheme. The insurance that we have purchased covers public liability and personal accident (http://www2.btcv.org.uk/display/groupinsurance) on the site for members. 

Its worth looking at the BTCV website for lots of advice and help with allotments and practical conservation work like fencing, terracing and path building. All stuff we are probably interested in doing on the Dreelside site.

Pictures of Allotment 4th Sept 2010

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Monday 23 August 2010

Draft plan for Allotment plots - Aug 2010

Let us know if you have any comments or ideas for the layout of the plots. Cheers Ali

Thursday 19 August 2010

volunteers for rotavating

Hi everyone,

Just a quick update, thanks to everyone for getting back to me with your replies. I am conscious that we need to get moving with the rotavation of the land and unfortunately Robert Horsburgh wasn't able to get a plough in for us so it's down to us now to hire a rotavator for Saturday / Sunday and do it ourselves....the forecast for Saturday is some light rain, but Sunday looks wet! Therefore I'd like to concentrate our efforts on Saturday and if everyone could meet at 0800hrs and the plan is to put in a full day on the machine, and clear the many stones that are there.....we can discuss Sunday's effort on Saturday and come to a decision then.

Kev Lancaster is organising the Rotavator Hire and I'll know by tomorrow evening if he's managed to get one for the weekend....I'm hoping that the land isn't too wet and that it isn't raining heavily on the day because rotavation will be extremely hard if not nigh impossible...

I'll be in touch tomorrow, this just gives you the 'heads up' on what we're trying to achieve.

Kind Regards

Mob 07747 842986
Tel 01333 313786

Anstruther and District Allotments Association

Monday 16 August 2010

Anstruther Community Website


I have put the allotments on to the new community website. The more people that register the better.

PS Does anyone have any before photos of the site that we can post on the blog? Just email them to me or post them yourself.
Cheers Ali

Plot update

Hi everyone,

Just a quick update on where we are with the Allotments. Currently Robert Horsburgh is looking for a Tractor and Rotavator to finish off the land...once that is done then we are free to allocate. If we can't get the tractor in, then we have 2 options, 1. - allocate the plots and let the individuals clear thier own, or 2. - Jointly Hire an industrial Rotavator for a weekend and a bunch of us keep it going for the 2 days, getting the most out of the hire....could cost between £50-£75 for the 2 days.

There's a fair bit of work needed to clear stones and I'm hoping to that we'll all contribute to that....date TBN

From the plot map that Rhona sketched and the measurements that Robert and Kev conducted, we should be able to have 12 plots of size 15m x 10m each. There are currently 17 people interested and I'm all for getting as many people on the land as possible, so if you could all reply to me stating whether you'd like a full plot (15m x 10m), a half plot (7.5m x 10m) or either/or, it would give me an idea of how many people I can fit in once the land is prepped...

There have been costs incurred, such as the ploughing, locks etc and although not much I'd expect that to be added to the final sum for hire of plots. At present I'm looking at a cost of £50-£55 for a full plot, and £25-£30 for a half plot. This should cover the annual rent and provide a little bit of revenue for future expenditure.

I'm not available from this Sunday through to Friday next week I'm away with work, but I will monitor my E mails. So I would appreciate a reply to the questions posed so that I can make the appropriate plans.

We have an exciting opportunity with this land and if it all goes according to plan and grants etc, we'll have Polytunnels, a Cabin, Toilet and community/school involvement...but first things first we need to prep the land and I'll be in touch about the rotavator situation soon.

Take care all and keep in touch

Tuesday 27 July 2010

Allotment entry

An important moment - opening the door on the new allotment site - 3rd July 2010

Allotment entry

before the plough

Hello Folks,

The site will be ploughed Thursday evening - yay!

So, this is a call out for help to give the site a thorough comb over to remove bits that we don't want ploughed into the ground or to interfere with the plough. Also, we have more keys cut so we can distribute spares to those who haven't got one yet.

The group work date is Wednesday 18.00-21.00.

Hope to see you all there :)


Anstruther and District Allotments Association



Wednesday 21 July 2010

21st July update

Hi Everyone,

Site update: The weekend was fun and a lot was done. The group managed to clear and transport (thanks Kev) the worst of the cut weeds away from the site and on sunday the some of the sheds were moved and sorted. A few folk are planning to go to the site Thursday evening - 6pm till 9pm - all welcome to come along. Thursday evening tasks will be dealing with shed, and doing the clearing of mini bits and bobs (e.g. bricks, rubber, wire, wood, etc), this needs to be done before the plough can go in.

Plough man Douglas won't be in this weekend but hopefully he'll get in there sometime next week, most likely at the weekend.

There will be a work party day on saturday also, times tbc.



p.s. Has anyone seen Carl's pick axe, he cannae mind where he had it last on site..

Anstruther and District Allotments Association


Monday 19 July 2010

Allotment Websites

here are some allotments websites
http://www.fedaga.org.uk/ - Edinburgh Allotments
http://www.sags.org.uk/ - Scottish Allotments and gardens Society
Federation of City Farms and Community Gardens - www.farmgarden.org.uk
Allotments Regeneration Initiative (ARI) www.farmgarden.org.uk/ari

Department for Communities and Local Government - Allotments: a plot holders guide
Trellis Scotland http://www.trellisscotland.org.uk/home

Please post more if you find any

Friday 9 July 2010

New Land

Hello Allotment folk,

We are getting on the land on Saturday 3rd July! You are duly invited to the site on Saturday, from 12noon, to meet fellow allotment folk and help (if possible) start clearing the land. Can we have a call of arms, scyths, rakes, strimmers, etc.
Looking forward to seeing you.
Kind regards,


Location: Fenced horse field, North side, Dreel Burn. Access from track behind the post office depot.
Coordinates: 56.222818,-2.705405
Map: http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=56.222818,-2.705405&sll=56.222765,-2.704911&sspn=0.005333,0.013711&gl=uk&ie=UTF8&ll=56.223457,-2.704053&spn=0.010665,0.027423&z=15&iwloc=near

Clearing the land

Next working days:
Wednesday evening 7pm onwards
Saturday 11am onwards

Continue cutting and removing overgrowth
Widen access path from Dreel (remove overgrowth)

If you could bring tools (shears, scyths, etc) with you that would be great; I'll try and source some too. Also, bring sun screen, hat, gloves, refreshment and boundless energy, if you can.



Anstruther and District Allotments Association

Monday 26 April 2010

Meeting Minutes from April 2010

Dear Members,

The association had a meeting on Monday 19th April and I have attached Draft minutes for your information. Those who were present - can I ask you to kindly review it and email me anything I may have missed out.

The next meeting will be on the Monday 24th May, 19:45, The Haven, Cellardyke. If there is anything in particular you would like to see on the agenda please let me know in good time. The minutes from the 16th of March (which were emailed out) were accepted.

Kind regards,


Click here for the Mins

Anstruther and District Allotments Association



Something Fun

If you are on facebook, check out this page. Sunflowers yay



Nourishing Communities Food Seminar

Nourishing Communities Food Seminar

27th April 2010, 10 ? 4pm. Letham Village Hall, Letham, Fife

This seminar aims to directly contribute to a community engagement strategy by which Local Authorities (and Fife Council in particular) can help Communities to develop sustainable food systems. The day will include: local authority, community and support organisations? presentations; informal discussion and networking; a chance for participants to present their initiatives and ideas; and space to collectively begin to develop a transformative food system for


10.00 Registration

10.15 Introduction
Justin Kenrick (University of St Andrews)

10.30 Food in Transition
Hamid van Koten (North Howe Transition Toun & University of Dundee)

10.50 A Food Policy for Fife?
Vivienne Brown (Fife Council Food Strategy)

11.10 Local Food Procurement Policy
Derek Hamilton (Fife Council Procurement)

11.30 Ice Breaker and Coffee (start of informal discussion and networking)

11.50 What the Volcano told us
Mike Small (Fife Diet)

12.10 Communities Growing Food Together
Ellie Kinross (Fife Diet)

12.30 One Planet Food: Steps to make it work in Fife
Maria Teresa Martinez & Pete Ritchie (One Planet Food)

1.00 Lunch (introduced by Bruce Bennett of Pillars of Hercules) & Market
All participants are welcome to briefly present their initiatives/ ideas, to
display posters, and to trade ideas and experiences.

2.00 Open Space ? including how to develop a transformative food system for

3.30 Plenary
Email: Justin.Kenrick@st-andrews.ac.uk for info or to book

Tuesday 20 April 2010

meeting 16 march 2010

Hi everyone,

Thanks for your support over the last week or so, we've come a long way in terms of setting the Association up. We've organised a meeting
in the Haven Pub in Cellardyke for Tuesday the 16th March at 1930hrs. Peter Duncan the Fife Council Allotments Officer has agreed to attend and
address the group and answer any questions that you may have. So this meeting would be a good one to attend if possible.

I had a couple of productive meetings on Saturday, one with Peter Duncan in the morning, and the other with Lady Catherine Erskine from Cambo Estate
which I'll go through on the night of the 16th.

If anyone has any items for the agenda on the 16th, please could you forward them to Rhona McLaren the Allotments Secretary (allotments.secretary@hotmail.com)
and that will allow her to form an agenda for the evening. Please click this link to see attached document which is the minutes taken of our inaugural meeting held last Monday night.

Take care


Tuesday 2 March 2010

The begining....

Hello everyone,

Thanks very much for attending the Allotments Public meeting on the 1st March. You'll all be pleased to know that we now have a Committee and they are:-

Chairman - Carl van der Lee Proposed by Gerald Cooper Seconded by Kev Lancaster
Vice Chairman - Ali Macleod Proposed by Rhona McLaren Seconded by Kath Webster
Secretary - Rhona McLaren Proposed by Gerald Cooper Seconded by Kev Lancaster
Treasurer - Kev Lancaster Proposed by Carl van der Lee Seconded by Ali MacLeod

We now have a basis with which to go forward and we have our first 'authorised' meeting scheduled in 2 weeks time (in a pub)......date, venue and time TBC. Meanwhile we agreed last night that I would send everyone the Constitution for review by Friday. I will take everyone's comments on board and amend the document, push it out for further review and then 'go live' with it hopefully before our next meeting. We need to do this quickly so that Kev can set up a bank account for the group and we can then apply for a Corn seed fund of £150 to get us started.

I will be publishing the minutes of the meeting shortly, and I will confirm the date venue and time of the next meeting. A big welcome to the new members of the group and I will be in touch shortly.

Kind Regards
