Monday, 26 April 2010

Meeting Minutes from April 2010

Dear Members,

The association had a meeting on Monday 19th April and I have attached Draft minutes for your information. Those who were present - can I ask you to kindly review it and email me anything I may have missed out.

The next meeting will be on the Monday 24th May, 19:45, The Haven, Cellardyke. If there is anything in particular you would like to see on the agenda please let me know in good time. The minutes from the 16th of March (which were emailed out) were accepted.

Kind regards,


Click here for the Mins

Anstruther and District Allotments Association

Something Fun

If you are on facebook, check out this page. Sunflowers yay!/event.php?eid=301535539424


Nourishing Communities Food Seminar

Nourishing Communities Food Seminar

27th April 2010, 10 ? 4pm. Letham Village Hall, Letham, Fife

This seminar aims to directly contribute to a community engagement strategy by which Local Authorities (and Fife Council in particular) can help Communities to develop sustainable food systems. The day will include: local authority, community and support organisations? presentations; informal discussion and networking; a chance for participants to present their initiatives and ideas; and space to collectively begin to develop a transformative food system for


10.00 Registration

10.15 Introduction
Justin Kenrick (University of St Andrews)

10.30 Food in Transition
Hamid van Koten (North Howe Transition Toun & University of Dundee)

10.50 A Food Policy for Fife?
Vivienne Brown (Fife Council Food Strategy)

11.10 Local Food Procurement Policy
Derek Hamilton (Fife Council Procurement)

11.30 Ice Breaker and Coffee (start of informal discussion and networking)

11.50 What the Volcano told us
Mike Small (Fife Diet)

12.10 Communities Growing Food Together
Ellie Kinross (Fife Diet)

12.30 One Planet Food: Steps to make it work in Fife
Maria Teresa Martinez & Pete Ritchie (One Planet Food)

1.00 Lunch (introduced by Bruce Bennett of Pillars of Hercules) & Market
All participants are welcome to briefly present their initiatives/ ideas, to
display posters, and to trade ideas and experiences.

2.00 Open Space ? including how to develop a transformative food system for

3.30 Plenary
Email: for info or to book

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

meeting 16 march 2010

Hi everyone,

Thanks for your support over the last week or so, we've come a long way in terms of setting the Association up. We've organised a meeting
in the Haven Pub in Cellardyke for Tuesday the 16th March at 1930hrs. Peter Duncan the Fife Council Allotments Officer has agreed to attend and
address the group and answer any questions that you may have. So this meeting would be a good one to attend if possible.

I had a couple of productive meetings on Saturday, one with Peter Duncan in the morning, and the other with Lady Catherine Erskine from Cambo Estate
which I'll go through on the night of the 16th.

If anyone has any items for the agenda on the 16th, please could you forward them to Rhona McLaren the Allotments Secretary (
and that will allow her to form an agenda for the evening. Please click this link to see attached document which is the minutes taken of our inaugural meeting held last Monday night.

Take care
